Sunday, November 11, 2018

Captivating Classroom Environment by: Madison Whitbeck

When I walk into the classroom, I want to be excited. Not only does the subject and teacher effect that, but the classroom environment does as well. I find it is much more inviting and cheerful when a classroom is decorated or set up in a way that the students will enjoy. Kids love colors, so things like posters, couches, and decorative pillows make the classroom more inviting to the students.

I talked to some peers around the county and most of them said about 3 or 4 classes are personalized by the teacher, and the students favor those classes over others. The physical structure of a classroom is a critical variable in affecting student morale and learning. Students usually feel more welcome and relaxed in a decorated classroom, in turn, improving their academics.

I also believe that students would benefit from having a hand in personalizing the classroom. Including students in creating the physical environment can enhance that environment, increase the feeling of classroom community, and give students a sense of empowerment.

Overall, I do believe students would benefit in multiple ways from a personalized classroom. If you're a teacher, you spend a good part of your life in places that should feel more like a warm home than a cold, impersonal office building or warehouse. So consider increasing your own sense of well-being and motivation as much as increasing these qualities for your students.

1 comment:

  1. Madison,
    I'm curious. How many of your classrooms are personalized? How many have students helped personalize?
    Such a great reason and challenge: "If you're a teacher, you spend a good part of your life in places that should feel more like a warm home than a cold, impersonal office building or warehouse. So consider increasing your own sense of well-being and motivation as much as increasing these qualities for your students."
